Whether building underground or above ground, soil analysis is the basic initial criterion for the feasibility of a project. The finesse of the geotechnical analysis depends on how well risks at a construction site are controlled. Our specialised teams can both analyse the quality of a consultation file and act as prescribers for additional analyses.
Our international references, the knowledge of our geotechnical teams and the worldwide experience we have gained from our work; each of these fuels our ability to master all types of soil and their qualities. It is this knowledge of soil that allows us to put forward the most appropriate and sustainable solutions for a safer, more economical project.
Being part of VINCI also enables us to network with other Group subsidiaries specialising in foundations and soil reinforcement.
Focus on Yamal LNG project
In Yamal (Siberia), to build four LNG tanks beyond the Arctic Circle, we were able to streamline the foundation design, saving our client half the linear metres of piles required to support the tanks, i.e. 111 kilometres. Our innovative approach, using piles placed in “socks” filled with a water-insensitive material, made it possible to control the unique constraints imposed by permafrost soil. For this project, we networked with Russian design offices and a VINCI Group laboratory in France to test our solution before applying it in the field.
Focus on the Kitimat LNG project
In British Columbia (Canada) , to build an LNG tank in a highly seismic environment, we optimised the foundation design by designing a system of rigid inclusions which were not connected to the invert, thus simplifying the construction of the tank while densifying the soil and giving it the characteristics required to resist seismic activity.
Our expertise is also apparent during the construction phase, with assignments to define and interpret additional geotechnical campaigns, regular monitoring of the site, and execution studies or expert assignments given out by the project teams on the following subjects: temporary or permanent retaining walls, slope and embankment stability, lowering of the water table and stability of the excavation base, consolidation of compressible soils, densification of soils, calculation and monitoring of settlements, and geotechnical dimensioning of deep and superficial foundations. This close proximity to the works themselves further strengthens our know-how, thanks to the integrated approach our clients receive in our responses to calls for tender.

Supporting structures for the Cairo metro’s Nasser station Stability of the slopes of the Abdelmoumen pumped storage power plant
At VINCI Construction Grands Projets, geotechnics is a science that is practised on a daily basis and on the ground, in close collaboration with the site teams, from a resolutely operational perspective, and delivered with an emphasis on innovation and optimisation.
Which concrete formulation for your project?
From formulation to quality control, we master the whole cycle of concrete production.